Recommended, free and other useful programmes

Browsers - E-mail clients - FTP - PDF - lmage processing - Text documents


Use the Mozilla Firefox browser
(a free alternative to the Internet Explorer)

When working with the User Pages of the Website, use only the open-source browser Mozilla Firefox. We recommend using the browser because of its fast and secure operation, and because it complies with web standards. Moreover, it is very user friendly and allows for numerous expandability options. This freeware browser supports many world languages, such as, for instance Slovene.

Advanced website users (administrators) should also consider these recommended extensions:
  • MeasureIt – to measure individual website element dimensions
  • CSSViewer – to view information on individual website elements
  • ColorZilla – to select colours and copy colour codes from websites
  • FireShot – screenshots made easy
  • SmushIt – image optimisation
  • Web Developer Toolbar – detailed technical information on websites

Other browsers - e. g. the Internet Explorer

The Website, User Pages and Help are all adapted to working with the Mozilla Firefox browser. This means that the User Pages have been fully tested and that the Instructions and help topics refer solely to this Browser.

When using other browsers (such as the Internet Explorer) minor or considerable deviations from normal functioning can arise. If using the Internet Explorer, we recommend updating it to the latest version.

E-mail clients

Mozilla Thunderbird
(a freeware alternative to MS Outlook)

Mozilla Thunderbird is an open-source e-mail client that is being developed in parallel with the Firefox browser. The free-of charge client supports many world languages, such as, for instance Slovene. You may upgrade the Thunderbird with a free-of-charge extension Lightning (calendar and to-do-lists), which entirely replaces the functions of MS Outlook.

FTP software  


CoreFTP is a very simple and user friendly FTP client to transfer files between your computer to a server via FTP access. Its basic advantages: it is freeware, also for professional use.


FireFTP is a FTP client plugin available as a Firefox extension. In order to use the programme, you must run the  Mozilla Firefox browser.

PDF file programmes

Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader is freeware for previewing and reading PDF format files.


PrimoPDF is a free-of-charge programme alowing you to easily convert your documents into PDF.

Image processing programmes 


IrfanView is a simple free-of-charge programme for viewing photographs and other multimedia content. It also allows for some basic photo editing operations. Highly recommended for beginners.


GIMP is a free-of-charge and high-performance photograph processing software programme. It can be put to very good use in the processing of photos to feature in websites. A good alternative to Adobe's Photoshop suite.

Documents - office software (Word, Excel, etc.)
(a free alternative to Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, etc.) is a free-of-charge open-surce office tool suite, which supports many languages, such as for instance Slovene.

(a free alternative to WinZip ali WinRar)

7-ZIP is a free programme for file compression, supporting a wide array of formats (including, among others, .zip and .rar, the most widely used formats).


All software programmes and extensions mentioned on these pages should be considered as recommendations and used at own risk. It is crucial to read the licensing conditions for each programme before accepting them anf make sure whether you are eligible to use it. Some programme are free only for personal users, while others can also be used for professional/commercial purposes and remain free-of-charge. .