Website Content Editing

Websites usually consist of several content types, which can be located in various website widgets. The editing of this content will vary depending on the type of widget where it is located, editing of the said content will vary.

Editing content in the main content widget

  1. In the website menu, choose the subpage you would like to edit. 
  2. When the subpage you have selected opens, click the EDIT button on the top left hand side. The page will reload and a toolbar will appear with content editing buttons similar to those found in the toolbar of the MS Word programme. Content editing (tables, images, the insertion of links) is also similar to that found in MS Word.
  3. When you have typed in the desired changes, click the OK button on the top left. Whenever you are adding/modifying the content of the website, you must confirm the changes you made before clicking on a new subpage (menu item) of the website.
  4. A page will appear showing the changes you made. For the time being, only you (the administrator) can see these changes.
  5. If you are happy with the changes you made and wish to make them visible to the visitors of the website, you should publish the changes by using the MANAGING CHANGES button on the top right hand side. If you do not like the changes and wish to show the page as it was before those changes were made (the situation after the last time you published the changes), discard (delete) the changes by using the same MANAGING CHANGES button. If you choose the option SKIP in the managing of changes, these changes will not be visible to the visitors not logged into the system, but they will remain saved. This will allow you to continue your work the next time you log in, and you will find the exact same situation as at the end of your last login.

Editing content in other widgets

Please refer to the Working with Widgets chapter for additional info on content editing in other widgets.


Transferring (copying) content from documents

It is not allowed to directly transfer (copy) content from documents (such as MS Word files). This is because direct transferring also copies the formatting and the system's built-in editor is unable to change it due to the use of different standards. If you wish to transfer onto your webpage content that you have previously drafted in a Word document, you should first copy it into Notepad and then from there on into the website. In this way, you will transfer content without formatting into the website, and format it later by using the built-in editor.

What happens if you transfer formated content? Such content will be formatted differently to the rest of your site, and this may also affect the look of the entire subpage into which such content has been copied (usually this affects the look of the menus and the links on the page). If you copy formatted content directly into a subpage, you must delete all content of the affected subpage (and not only the content copied incorrectly) and re-type it.

Publishing changes

Changes are published or discarded only in the main content widget and in other "content" type widgets. It is in such widgets that content is most frequently changed and this often takes a certain while. Changes made to other widget types are visible to the visitors as soon as they are made and confirmed.

Automatic logout after 60 minutes of inactivity

For security reasons, the System has an in-built safety feature that automatically logs out of the User Pages any user who remains inactive for 1 hour or longer (counting from the user's last recorded request - click).

Attention when editing content: The System recognises only the clicks on the user bar (levels 1-3) or the clicks on the user interface navigation buttons as activity. It does not recognise any editing of content (text, images, files, etc.) via the Editor. Therefore, if you spent over an hour's time editing an individual content page without clicking on OK or CANCEL in the mean time, you risk losing your work!