Inserting Tables

  1. Place the cursor where you wish to insert a table.
  2. In the toolbar, click the INSERT/EDIT TABLE button , which will open TABLE PROPERTIES pop-up window .
  3. Set table properties (number of rows and columns, padding, cell spacing, etc.).
    • Table type. The first option is a table for the positioning of elements, an invisible table that serves as a frame where you can position text (such as when you wish to place two texts one next to another). A table containing data will be visible with borders that have been predetermined in the website design phase.
    • Alignment should be used only rarely, i.e. when you would like to have a narrower table to which you would add a parallel text paragraph. Do not set the alignment if your table will be 100 percent wide and/or if you wish to continue with the text underneath the table.
    • Table width should be 100 percent or not set. We strongly advise against setting table width in pixels (if width is set in pixels and the width you entered exceeds the available width, then the page will not be displayed correctly).
    • Cell padding is the gap between the content and the cell border. When using TABLES CONTAINING DATA, the cell padding may be have been preset in the site's design phase, so manual adjustment in TABLE PROPERTIES has no effect.
    • Cell spacing is the gap betwen individual cells in a table.
  4. Confirm the table you have set in this manner by clicking on the OK button.

Editing Existing Tables

It is possible to edit existing tables later. Table properties, such as type, alignment, width, pading and cell spacing may be modified by clicking on the table and selecting the INSERT/EDIT TABLE command in the toolbar, or by right-clicking on the table and selecting TABLE PROPERTIES from the pop-up menu.

Editing cells

 By editing cells, you can set the alignment of the content in the table and column width.

Highlight the cell (or several cells) you wish to edit and right-click the mouse. In the pop-up menu, choose the option CELL > CELL PROPERTIES.
  • You can set cell width and/or height.
  • If you disable text scrolling, the width of that cell (and that of the column where the cell is located) will adapt to the length of the text in the cell.
  • Horizontal and vertical alignment set the alignment of the content within a cell.

Please note:

If different cells within a column are set to different widths, all cells in that column will be of the same width as the widest cell in the column.

A cell will be wider than its preset width:
  • if you insert into it an image wider than the preset cell width,
  • if content scrolling is disabled for that cell and the amount of text entered in the cell exceeds the amount that fits into a certain width.

Inserting rows/columns

Place the cursor into any cell in the row below (after) which you would like to add a new row, right click to display a menu allowing the addition of new rows. The procedure to add columns is similar.

Deleting rows/columns

Highlight the row you would like to delete and right-click it to display a menu allowing you to delete a row. The procedure to delete columns is similar.

Merging cells

It is possible only to merge cells within a single row, i.e. neighbouring cells. Cells one on top of another cannot be merged. If the cells you wanted to merge were of predetermined width before the merger, the new merged cell's cell width setting must be deleted, or else the table might not be displayed correctly in certain web browsers.