Inserting Documents and Other Files

  1. In the Editing Mode, place the cursor where you wish to insert the link to your file. Attention: the maximum file size is 10 MB.
  2. In the toolbar, click the INSERT/EDIT FILE button, which will open the FILE PROPERTIES pop-up window.
  3. Choose the option that says FILE ON MY COMPUTER.
  4. Click the BROWSE button and from your computer select the file you wish to add.
  5. Click the SEND IT TO THE SERVER button. The transfer to the server may take as long as several minutes, depending on the file size and your Internet connection speeds. Once the file has successfully been uploaded to the server, the message "File was successfully uploaded" will appear.
  6. You may then set a FILENAME for the file uploaded to the server. The name will be visible on the site, and its name will contain the link to it. 
  7. ALTERNATE TEXT is a useful feature optimising search engine performance and the use with the tools for the blind and visually impaired.
  8. The application may insert an appropriate icon in front of the name and place data on its type and size after the name. By default, these options are set to ON but can be switched OFF by the user.
  9. In the INTERACTION tab you can set to display text when you hover the mouse cursor over the link. When users click on the file, they can choose whether to open or save it - the SAVE IT TO MY COMPUTER option (recommended), or have the file open automatically - the OPEN IN A DEFAULT APPLICATION option.
  10. Confirm your selections by clicking on the OK button.