Frequent Problems in Menu Editing

1. After a menu item has been deleted, the link to it is still displayed in web search engines (,, etc.)

Web search engines notice the modifications to web page content with a certain time delay. This happens because web browsers scan websites only occasionally, therefore the change you made will be displayed in web search engine results with a certain time delay that varies from one browser to another.

Once you have deleted a menu item, this menu item and its contents will remain visible for a few weeks to come.

2. A menu item has been hidden yet visitors can still access it

If the visibility box in front of a menu item is not ticked (switched on), this menu item will not be displayed in the menu, but it can still be reached via a direct link. Therefore, if there is a link to this item anywhere on your website or elsewhere, visitors will still be able to access it. After a menu item has been hidden, visitors may also access it via links between search engine results. This is because search engines do not scan websites on a daily basis, but only occasionally - so a menu item can be displayed in the search results for a few weeks after it has been hidden.

If you wish to make a menu item and its contents to be entirely inaccessible, you should delete it or change its reading permissions.