Menu Item Visibility/Accessibility

The visibility of an item in a menu

You can determine that individual menu items will not be visible to visitors in the website menu. The visibility of menu items to visitors is set in the menu editing page, in the VISIBLE column.


If the visibility box in front of a menu item is not ticked (i.e. visibility is switched off), this menu item will not be displayed in the menu, yet a visitor can still reach it via a direct link. In other words, if there is a link to this particular menu item anywhere on your website or elsewhere, visitors will still be able to access it. If you wish to make a menu item and its contents completely inaccessible, you must change the settings of the reading permission.

If a menu item's visibility is switched on and its permission settings are set to inaccessible, then the users who are not logged in will not be able to see it in the menu.

Menu item accessibility (editing permissions)

  1. In the menu item list click the EDIT button next to the menu item the permissions of which you would like to edit.
  2. Under PERMISSIONS, choose the ADVANCED option. The options for permission settings will appear.
  3. If you wish to make a menu item inaccessible, remove the tick in the box next to READING FOR PUBLIC USERS.
  4. Click on the CONFIRM button on the bottom of the page.