Adding Latest News Widgets and Changing the Settings

Adding latest news widgets

  1. In the user bar, slect the WIDGETS  button.
  2. When the page for the work with widgets opens up, click on the WIDGETS tab.
  3. Set a NAME for the new widget (to help you identify it later when you will be adding it into the page structure).
  4. In the WIDGET TYPE dropdown list, select the LATEST NEWS item.
  5.  Click on the ADD button.
  6. Click on the STRUCTURE tab.
  7. From the SET STRUCTURE OF PAGE FOR dropdown list, select whether you will insert the widget so that it will be visible accross the website, or on certain subpages (menu items) only. Menu items that are highlighted with a yellow background padajočem in the SET STRUCTURE OF PAGE FOR dropdown list (and the items subordinated to those items) use their own widget structure.
  8. Among the available widgets, find the previously created widget, click on its ADD WIDGET IN COLUMN button and select from the popup menu the page column to which you would like to add your widget.
  9. The widget will be inserted to the bottom of the selected column. In the widget structure display, you may move it around by using the on-screen arrow keys .
  10. Select the form template of the widget - that is, when you can choose among several templates (this depends on the foreseen website design).

Latest news widget settings

  1. From the website's menu, select the subpage where you have added the news item display widget.
  2. When the page opens up click on the SWITCH WIDGET EDITING ON/OFF button on the top right of the user bar.
  3. Place the mouse cursor over the widget you would like to edit. The EDIT button will appear on the edge of the widget. This will allow you to edit widhet settings.
  4. Set the TITLE of ther widget (the title will be written on the top of the widget).
  5. From the droddown list, select the NEWS SOURCE. The dropdown list contains all menu items of the CURRENT type from the you website.
  6. Select news elements that will be displayed in this widget: HEADLINE, DATE, TEXT, the MORE button.
  7. Enter the NUMBER OF NEWS DISPLAYED in the widget. If, for instance, you enter the number 3, the three news stories placed on the top of the news menu item (selected in the news source) will be displayed. The widget will not display the most recent new stories according to their date or the date when they were submitted, but according to their position in the news page.
  8. Enter the text of the MORE button. This text will apear at the bottom of each news item and will contain a link to the remainder of the story located in the news subpage.
  9. In the NEWS ITEM LENGTH entry field, insert the number of characters from the news item text that you wish to display in the widget. If you choose the option to display in the widget the TEXT of the news item, the application will show the selected number of characters from the news item text. When setting the length of the news item, please pay attention to the note below.
  10. Confirm your settings by clicking on the CONFIRM button located on the left side of the user bar.

Please note

When using the display of news in the news display widget, you shoud take extra care when entering the text. In the beginning of the news story text (according to the number of characters in the widget that you have set), only unformatted text can appear. If you enter tables, images links, etc. between the text characters that are also displayed in the latest news display widget, this may lead to a fase displays of the website where this widget is present.