Adding Online Form Sheets

Online Form Sheets are a special menu item type to which it is possible to add entry fields. If the Online Form Sheet application is switched on in a website, then the site's administrator can add to it as many Online Form Sheet type of pages as he or she likes.
  1. In the user bar, choose the STRUCTURE > MENU EDITING option.
  2. In the CHOOSE MENU ITEM TYPE dropdown list, select the option 04 - ONLINE FORM SHEET.
  3. Click on the ADD button. This will open the page with the settings of online form sheets.
  4. Enter all required data in the BASIC SETTINGS tab.
    1. ITEM NAME is the name of the menu item that is shown in the menu.
    2. SUPERIOR MENU ITEM OR MENU sets the position of the menu item within the menu.
    3. PAGE TYPE determines the ratio (size, position) of online form elements.
    4. SENDER'S E-MAIL is the e-mail address from which the application will send messages with the data form the online form sheet to the person responsible for the processing of this data.
    5. SENDER'S E-MAIL FOR CONFIRMATION MESSAGE is the e-mail address from which the application will send automatic cinfirmation messages to the persons filling in the forms, of course only if this option is switched on.
    6. ADD ONE OR SEVERAL RECIPIENTS OF ONLINE FORM SHEET DATA. You add the recipients by entering into the field, located below the list of recipients, the recipient's e-mail address and press the ADD button. This will add the e-mail address you have entered into the list of data message recipients.
  5. Click on the ADVANCED SETTINGS button .
  6. In needed, set the options of advanced settings in the ADVANCED SETTINGS tab.
    1. The PREVIEW FORM ON option offers the possibility of displaying the PREVIEW button that replaces the SEND button in the online form sheet. This adds a step to the procedure of filling in online forms that allows the visitor who filled in the form to see a preview of the data that will be sent.
    2. The SEND CONFIRMATION MESSAGE option allows you to send to the person filling in the form an automatic confirmation message. For this option to function, the e-mail address in the online form must be of the E-MAIL FIELD type, and in the cinfirmation message settings, you must then set this field as the E-MAIL field.
  7. Click on the TEXTS field .
  8. In the TEXTS tab, enter the texts of the message that the application will be sending when the forms will be filled in.
    1. To edit individual texts, you should click on the existing text, which will open the word processor.
    2. TEXT CONFIRMING THE FORM HAS BEEN FILLED IN SUCCESSFULLY will be displayed on the screen of the person filling in the form after data has been submitted.
    3. MESSAGE TITLE and MESSAGE TEXT refers to the messages with the data on filled in online form sheets that will be sent to the recipient responsible for data processing. A CONFIRMATION MESSAGE will be sent automatically to the person who filled in the sheet, of course only if this option is switched on.
  9. Click on the CONFIRM button. The System will creste a new menu item and add it to the selected position in the menu.
  10. You can then edit the contents of the online form sheet itself by looking in the menu and selecting the menu item that was added recently, and click on it. When the new subpage opens up, click on the EDIT button on the left side of the user bar.  More on the editing of online form sheet elements...