Special Form Sheet Elements


An element of an online form sheet into which only the site's administrator may enter any text. The visitor to the site (the person filling in the form) cannot enter or modify anything in this field.

The text element can contain explanations, instructions, the marking of sections of longer web forms, i.e. for inserting any content between entry and selection fields.

Editing and settings of the element:

Please enter any text into the element, which you can then edit in the same manner as text on the content pages. The element has no additional settings.


This option enables you to upload a file that is then saved on the server, and the recipient of the data from the web form then receives the link to this file.

Editing and settings of the element:

Into the left field, enter the description, such as what kind of file you expect from the person filling in the form. The element has no special settings.

Control code

This function asks the person filling in the form to read the text and type it into the entry field if he or she wants to submit the data. This is als known under the name CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Test to tell Humans and Computers Apart). If you try to send the data and the field is not filled in or it is not filled in correctly, then a warning will be displayed and it will no longer be possible to submit data.

Editing and settings of the element:

In the left field, enter the description, such as "Copy the characters from the image." The element has no special settings.