Creating New Widgets

  1. Click on the WIDGETS tab.
  2. Set the NAME of the new widget (the name helps identifying the widget when it is added to the structure at a later date).
  3. In the WIDGET TYPE dropdown menu, choose the most apropriate widget type according to the anticipated content.
    A Content Widget is mainly intended for text and perhaps a smaller image.
    A Multimedia Element is intended for the simple addition of a single image (can be with a link) or animation. The system will automatically adapt the image or animation added to the width preset for the column. Attention: if the original image is not of the same width than what has been allocated to it, the application will distort it.
    The Latest News type widget can display from the type 06 – Current menu item and can only be used in conjunction with the Managing News application and the related menu item type.
    The Join the Mailing List widget type allows the visitors to enter their data into a mailing list (if this application is switched on).
    The Advertisment Board widget type enables a random display of advertisements added to the Advertising space application (if it is switched on).
  4. Click on the ADD button. A Widget thus created will be available in the STRUCTURE tab, where you will be able to insert it into the site structure and then edit its contents.